


Anne McIntyre

Anne McIntyre, erborista da oltre 25 anni, è membro del National Institute of Medical Herbalists inglese. Insegna medicina ayurvedica, ginecologia, ostetricia e pediatria, e tiene conferenze sulla medicina officinale in Gran Bretagna, Stati Uniti ed Europa.

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  • Terre di mezzo

    Born in 1994, Terre di mezzo Editore is an Italian independent publisher based in Milan. We publish 100 books per year and we love to explore many and various worlds, from sustainable tourism to the discovery of different cultures, encouraging their coexistence. Our main goal is telling new powerful stories for both young and adult readers, and spreading creativity through sustainable handmade creations with our craft books.
    We also promote and organize Fa’ la cosa giusta!, the national fair of conscious consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Italy, held in Milan every March since 2004.

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